Lime Scale Build-up Solution - natural, edible, no smell, and EASY TO DO
The conversation went something like this: I have a lime build-up problem on my .......(toilet, shower tile, faucet, teapot, etc) that I hate to use those awful smelling cleaners on like "the works" etc (or in the case of food dishes like the teapot - I just can't get clean) but I can't find anything natural to clean it. Do you have any ideas? Yes, I do. It really is easy and you really shouldn't have to have those toxic chemicals to clean with. It's a shame that simple food grade cleaning isn't being marketed in the grocery store cleaning aisle, but it's not patentable or 'brand-able" so they don't do it. Great Grandma knew - but now we have "tide" and "the works" etc - it's not a fair trade. :-( You may have heard remedies like vinegar or coke soda, and they work sometimes, but if it's really bad or if you want really simple and easy, there's another way. Citric Acid is a food grade item that is commonly used in food to balance the ph of things like fruit juices to retain color and reduce bacterial growth. It is a type of vitamin c that comes from citrus products. And it works amazingly on lime scale. It's really a science lesson in ph. neutralizing - acid neutralizes alkaline. Citric acid - (or any acid including those noxious chemicals in toilet cleaners like "the works") neutralizes - balances the ph to neutral of whatever it is touching that is opposite of it's ph. Lime scale - which is calcium carbonate having a high alkaline ph. By neutralizing, it dissolves the adhesion of the alkaline lime scale to the solid surface. If you apply a highly acidic substance to a highly alkaline surface it will neutralize the alkalinity by dissolving the alkaline substance into the water solution. Remember the water pan grandma kept on the woodstove all winter as a humidifier for dry winter air? That's why she would put vinegar in the water, to neutralize the alkaline water and make it not build up. But if she forgot, the pan had a just about impossible to remove lime shale that she was stuck with. That's also why water softeners are used. Salt neutralizes the water and leaves it slightly acidic so your water doesn't build up in your water heater and shower head and your washer. Acidic water makes your laundry soap work easier. But we need an alkaline ph in our body to be healthy, diseases only manifest in acidic body systems - so soft water isn't good to drink. Neither are soft drinks - same reason. They are acidic. Ok - enough science, Back to cleaning. What to do? You need an easy and cheap way to acidify your lime build-up. The common natural way is to use vinegar as a cleaner. But vinegar is only 4% acidic. It's a weak solution. It works, if you clean very regularly to prevent buildup. But what about those times when you need something that will dissolve that hard lime scale buildup? You need stronger acidity. Concentrated acidity. But nobody wants those awful smelling fumes found in too many brand name chemical cleaners. A natural concentrated acidity is Citric Acid. Concentrated citrus acid - think tart lemon acidity. Simply take some of this granular white powder (it looks like sugar and tastes like a tart lemon) mix it with water (or vinegar if you want added kick) and spray it on your lime scale. Let it sit - you gotta give it time to do it's dissolving work - then wipe it off. Yes, it's that easy! Let science work for you! Practical applications: Toilet bowl lime scale - sprinkle citric acid around the bowl and into the water - 1/8th cup or so depending the lime scale quantity. do it at night just before you go to bed so it can sit all night. Then wipe it off in the morning with a simple brushing. It will literally wipe away. Spray areas not covered in water with tile spray below. Shower tile - do the same but you'll need a spray bottle. So dissolve 1/4 cup or so into 8 oz of water or vinegar and spray it on - leave it sit - wash it off later. Again, time is your friend - leaving it on overnight is great. Teapot or water pan - fill with water, add a tablespoon or so of citric acid, bring to a boil - let sit till cool or longer - several hours is best. Rinse and wash the residue off with your dishrag. Need citric acid? You might have some in your cupboard, if you make jam or wine. It is commonly used to retain fruit color in the jam and ph balance wine If you need some, or if you want a better bulk price for a larger amount than you'll find in the grocery store for jam canning or wine making, We have a 2 pound quart jug or a 4 pound half gallon jug available . It is food grade, you can use it for cleaning and jam. :-) Find it at in the DIY section There you have it - cleaning tip for the day. Happy easy cleaning! Suzanne
Precious Treasures
The Wise Men’s Gifts to the Christ Child Each December many Americans and people around the world, faithfully celebrate the birthday of the Christ Child as Christmas. They faithfully read and retell the story of wise men who traveled a far distance to bring precious gifts to the long awaited messiah. These gifts are commonly described as gold, frankincense & myrrh. But alas, the meaning behind the choice of these items as being the ultimate gifts that "Wise Men" with apparently significant resources, would bestow upon someone so revered that they would make a long difficult journey just to have the honor of presenting them is not often told. Why Frankincense & Myrrh? Have you ever wondered why a just born babe who was destined to be their king would be given the gifts of Frankincense and Myrrh? Because we are familiar with the value of gold as buying power, gold may seem like an obvious gift for a king. But frankincense & myrrh’s value and usage is no longer common knowledge. The wise men’s choices were designed to bless their newborn king with the most valued possessions possible to give: Health and Wealth Frankincense tears or resin, and frankincense essential oil comes from the Frankincense Boswellia tree. It was then and still is hand harvested from old trees that are highly valued in the ancient biblical/mediterranean area. Egyptians used the incense to fumigate theirhomes, for ritual incense and the oil for cosmetics. It was used as a holy anointing oil and as a general cure-all for all diseases. History shows it was used for embalming and as a perfume and formed an important part of the Sabbath day offering. Frankincense is mentioned in the Scriptures over 50 times The actions of frankincense include anti-inflammatory, anti-tumoral, immune-stimulant, antidepressant and muscle relaxing. It stimulates the limbic system as well as the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary glands. It is strongly anti-viral, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic and expectorant oil. Frankincense has the ability to relax and revitalize at the same time. It helps bring emotional balance and improved brain function. It has been used singly or in blends for pain management both topically and orally. A Chinese study conducted in 2000 indicated that Boswellia has "anti-carcinogenic and anti-tumor activities." These boswellic acids from frankincense inhibited "a variety of malignant cells" in people suffering from leukemia and brain tumors. The Cancer Research Institute of the University of Nevada treated cervical cancer with frankincense, in which "there was 72% inhibition and growth of non-cancerous cells." Other studies have shown that boswellic acids from frankincense exert antiprolifertive activity toward a variety of malignant cells. Scientists have observed that there are active properties within frankincense which stops cancer spreading, and which induces cancerous cells to close themselves down. "Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted," he says. "It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be. "Frankincense separates the 'brain' of the cancerous cell - the nucleus - from the 'body' - the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes." Why Hasn't the General Public Heard about This? It sounds incredulous but the anti-cancerous effects of frankincense and myrrh has been known for thousands of years. Does it work for everyone? No, but compared to the effects of chemotherapy, frankincense DOES show great promise now and in the future. Frankincense or Myrrh will likely never be promoted for the breakthrough that it is because there is no money to be made in its promotion. Frankincense and Myrrh are expensive in comparison to other therapeutic grade oils but "cheap" in comparison to drugs like chemotherapy. Myrrh tears, gum or resin, and essential oil comes from the Myrrh Commiphora myrrha trees and shrubs. Long before the Christ child arrived, myrrh was one of the most desired and most expensive items in the world. It was used as incense in religious rituals, as an embalming agent, and as a cure for many diseases including what is now called cancer, leprosy, and syphilis. Mixed with coriander and honey it was used to treat herpes. The actions of myrrh include anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antiturmor, astringent, and tonic. It has been used for skin ailments, thyroid imbalances, inflammation, stretch marks, thrush, candida, gum infections, prostate congestion, wounds, and cancer. Chi-Tang Ho of the Department of Food Science, Rutgers University inspired by his late wife who died of cancer is working with chemists there and colleagues at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and Osaka City University, Japan. The researchers have discovered a property of an extract from myrrh that could make it far more precious than the other two original Christmas gifts - it is a potent anticancer compound. The researchers have shown that a sesquiterpenoid from myrrh kills breast tumour cells in the laboratory, even those that resist current anticancer drugs. "I'm optimistic that this compound can be developed into an anticancer drug," says Rutgers team member Mohamed Rafi, although he concedes that the compound is yet to be tested in animals or humans. The wise men’s choices were designed to bless their newborn king with the most valued possessions possible to give: Health and Wealth These valuable essences can bless us with the Wealth of Health today too! Therapeutic Grade essential oils are available at We offer 5 different varieties of Frankincense from 4 different regions and 2 different varieties of Myrrh along with a blend of all 5 frankincense varieties, a blend of frankincense and myrrh and several other synergistic blends containing frankincense and/or myrrh. Along with a large selection of over 200 other therapeutic essential oil choices. Australian Tea Tree Oil A Review by Robert Tisserand The International Journal of Aromatherapy Vol.1, No 1, February 1988 With special thanks to Christopher Dean, of Thursday Plantation and The Australian Tea-Tree Industry Association, for his help in sourcing material. Tea-tree (or ti-tree) oil is distilled from the fronds of a tree native to New South Wales, Australia, and parts of New Zealand. This tree, melaleuca alternifolia, is a member of the myrtle family, and is extremely hardy and disease-resistant. The leaves have been employed medicinally for centuries by New South Wales Aborigines, and the name is said to stem from a visit by Captain Cook, whose crew made a tea from the leaves. Tea-tree oil is water-white in appearance, and has a fresh, spicey, agreeable odour. Until recently it was hardly known in aromatherapy outside Australia, but some recent clinical trials in France have helped to highlight its usefulness. Tea-tree oil turns out to be one of the most useful of all essential oils, especially as an antiseptic, and yet it has not previously been discussed in books on aromatherapy. ANTISEPTIC POWER The first to recognize the unique qualities of the essential oil was a government chemist from Sydney, A. R. Penfold. In 1925 he announced the results of laboratory experiments which showed that the oil was twelve times stronger than phenol (carbolic acid) which was then the universal standard for antiseptic substances. This led to further research and to the increasing use of the oil in medicine, dentistry and as a home remedy. In 1930 a report in the Medical Journal of Australia' commented on its non- toxicity and lack of irritancy. The report noted enthusiastically that tea-tree oil dissolved pus and left the surfaces of infected wounds clean so that its germicidal action became more effective and without any apparent damage to the tissues. 'Dirty wounds, such as are frequently seen as the result of street accidents, may be washed or syringed out with a 10% watery lotion; the solvent properties will loosen and bring away the dirt which is usually ground in ... healing will readily take place.' in 1936 the same journal reported a very bad case of diabetic gangrene successfully treated with tea-tree oil. In 1937 it was pointed out that one of the outstanding features of the oil is that the presence of blood, pus or other organic matter actually increases the oil's antiseptic powers by some 10 to 12 per cent. During the Second World War tea-tree oil was issued in first aid kits to army and navy units in the tropical regions. At one point demand so outstripped supply that synthetic antiseptics had to be substituted. This, coupled with the fervent post-war interest in antibiotic drugs, led to a decline of interest in tea-tree, which persisted right up to the 1970s. (2) SKIN PROBLEMS In April 1972 the results of a very thorough study were published on the use of tea-tree oil in many common foot problems. (3) The study covered sixty patients and concluded that the oil had relieved or eliminated foot symptoms in fifty-eight of them. of these, results were graded as excellent in thirty-eight cases. The problems treated included athlete's foot, corns, callouses and bunions, hammer toes, skin peeling or cracking, fungal infection under toe-nails and bromhidrosis.* The study took place over a period of six years, and treatment times varied from three weeks to four years. In his conclusion the author observes that, overall, the best results were obtained in treating bromhidrosis, an unpleasant and embarrassing condition'. The athlete's foot cases were found to be caused by one or more of four fungi (including Candida albicans), all of which responded to tea-tree oil. Ringworm is a condition closely related to athlete's foot, and almost as common. Both are caused by similar fungi. There have been a great many reports of ringworm being rapidly cleared up with teatree oil, and I have treated two cases, both of which were clear within three to four days. Dr Paul Belaiche, Professor of Phytotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris Nord, published a number of trials using tea-tree oil in 1985. In his report on skin infections (5) he finds teatree effective against problems due to straphylococcus, streptococcus, or candida albicans. Both acne and impetigo are shown to be clinically vulnerable to the oil, and Belaiche reports the most convincing results of all in the treatment of fungal nailbed infections, frequently caused by candida. Eight out of eleven patients with nailbed infections showed complete recovery with twice daily application of the oil for one to three months. *Bromhidrosis is the medical term for 'smelly feet' and is caused by malodorous perspiration. UROGENITAL DISORDERS In June 1962 an American report was published in obstetrics and Gynecology on the use of tea-tree oil in trichomonal vagin itis. (4) Vaginitis simply means vaginal inflammation, which in this case is caused by Trichomonas, a very tiny animal microbe, a glagellate creature, which is a common cause of greenish-yellow discharge, often foul smelling, and soreness in the area. The study comprised 130 women, including ninety-six cases of trichomonal vaginitis, and also several cases of thrush and cervicitis. As controls the author treated fifty other cases with standard antitrichomonal suppositories. The teatree oil was applied diluted by means of saturated tampons and douches, but was not given orally. Out of the 130 patients, all were successfully treated, and results were similar to the control group. Many patients commented on the pleasant odour of the oil, its cooling soothing effect and its efficiency in removing obnoxious vaginal odours. None of them complained of any irritation or burning. More recently Dr Belaiche conducted two studies featuring tea-tree oil, the first of these on twenty-eight cases of thrush (infestation of the vagina with Candidaalbicans). Candida albicans (7) is normally present in the vagina, but its growth is kept in check by certain baceria. A common cause of thrush is antibiotic therapy which results in the beneficial bacteria being destroyed, thus allowing Candida to flourish. This results in a white discharge, often with itching, soreness and pain - a very common condition. For this study tea-tree oil was made into pessaries for insertion into the vagina once every night. After the first week one patient felt vaginal burning, so discontinued treatment, but none of the others had any similar symptoms. After thirty days the twenty-seven patients were examined, and twenty-three showed a complete cure with no further discharge or burning. The other four showed a moderate improvement. Belaiche observes that tea-tree oil is as effective as several other essential oils, but is notably less irritating: 'We have been happily astonished at the results obtained ... the essential oil of melaleuca has entered the team of the major essential oils and emerges as an antiseptic and anti- fungal weapon of the first order in phytoaromatherapy.' In Belaiche's second study with teatree oil, twenty-six female patients, with chronic cystitis were given the oil orally over a period of six months.' (7) This was a double-blind trial, in which half the patients were given a placebo which had the odour of teatree. After six months none of the placebo group showed any improvement. Out of the thirteen who took tea-tree oil, seven were 2 cured after six months, which, for such a chronic condition, is a significant result. As many have done before, Belaiche comments in his conclusion on the very low toxicity and irritancy of tea-tree oil. FROM ATHLETE'S FOOT TO AIDS Tea-tree oil has also been used successfully in the treatment of many other conditions and is now increasingly employed by herbal practitioners in Australia, as it is by the layperson. Cuts, wounds, ulcers, sores, boils, burns, ringworm, athlete's foot, psoriasis impetigo, nappy rash, anal and genital pruritis, cold sores, lice, urinary and vaginal infections, genital herpes, throat, bronchial and sinus infections, bad breath, mouth ulcers, infected gums and many other conditions have all responded remarkably well to treatment with this astonishing essential oil. Why is tea-tree oil so effective? its chemical content is not dramatically different from eucalyptus or rosemary, except that it has an unusually high content of terpinen-4-ol, an alcohol, which constitutes some 35% of the best quality oils. It is also worth noting that a thorough analysis of the oil in 1978 (8)revealed the presence of four constituents which have not been found anywhere else in nature: viridiflorene, present at I %, B- terpineol (0.24%) 1- terpineol (trace) and allyl hexanoate (trace). There is no recorded toxicity data on tea- tree oil, but terpinen-4-ol has a toxicity of 4.3 g/kg, which would indicate a toxicity for the oil of between 3 and 5, a completely safe rating. Christopher Dean reports four cases of children swallowing up to 25 mls of the oil with no significant side effects. in the worst instance mild diarrhoea and drowsiness was noticed, but both passed within 24 hours. (9) Because of its lower cineol content, teatree oil is reckoned to be less toxic and less irritant than eucalyptus oil. Karen Cutter, a leading Sydney naturopath, has taken 120 drops of teatree oil orally each day for over three months to satisfy herself that her extreme recommendations for dosage are quite safe. Karen uses tea-tree oil extensively in the treatment of systemic candida, particularly when associated with AIDS. Her patients frequently ingest up to 3 mls (60 drops) daily for periods in excess of six months. Christopher Dean comments that "it has been most instructive to see the enormous degree of success which Karen has achieved with no apparent ill- effects over the past two years." (9) Research has shown that tea-tree oil is four to five times stronger than the usual household disinfectants, and yet it stings far less when applied to minor abrasions, and of course is completely natural. Teatree oil has passed the Kelsey-Sykes test, which is the most rigorous antiseptic test in the world today. It has proved effective, both in vitro and in vivo against candida albicans, straphylococcus aureus, escherichia coli, trichophytia and streptococcus, and in vitro against pseudomonas aeruginosa, proteus vulgaris, pneumococcus, gonococcus, meningococcus, diphtheric bacterium, and aspergillus niger. Because tea-tree oil is relative y inexpensive, completely natural, and the problems it is used for are among the easiest to research, it would appear to have a very bright future. It has been predicted that demand for the oil will multiply some fifty times over the next few year, and it is likely to feature in many natural remedies and patent medicines for home treatment. It is not a cure-all, but is one of the most exciting essential oils to emerge in recent years. ANTI-TOXICITY As an interesting conclusion, the following sheds some light on the antitoxic properties of tea-tree oil. The venom toxicity of the black widow spider may be matched by that of the funnel web spider found only in New South Wales, Australia. This spider first made the news in 1927 when a twoyearold boy was bitten by one and died within ninety minutes. Since then five other deaths have been reported. The latest was a seventeen- year-old pregnant woman, who died in Sydney in 1970 after being bitten on the breast. The following account dates from May 1983, and comes from Harry H. Bungwahl, New South Wales. "A rather extraordinary episode happened to me recently involving teatree oil. I was bitten on the foot by a funnel- web spider... it happened at night time about I a.m. He gave me a vicious bite, and it was very painful ... I lay down on the bed and tried to think of some way to soothe the pain of the bite, which was very severe. I then thought of the small bottle of tea-tree oil which was in the bathroom. My wife went and got it and applied some to the bite and there was an immediate easing of the pain. My wife then went to ring up Taree Hospital, and while she was doing that I put some more tea-tree oil onto the bite which, in a short time, stopped being panful! My son drove me to the Taree hospital - the foot was no longer painful but my lips and fingers were still tingling . . . the spider was identified as a male funnel-web spider all right ... I was given no treatment but was kept under observation for a period of four hours, and then discharged." It is interesting that both tea-tree oil and the funnel web spider are found only in New South Wales. This review is based on text from Aromatherapy for Everyone by Robert Tisserand, which is being published in the UK by Penguin Books, on April 28th 1988. References 1. E. Humphrey, 'A New Australian Germicide', Medical Journal of Australia, )an uary 1930, p.417. 2. A . Penfold, 'Some Notes on the Essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia', Australian Journal of Pharmacology, March 1937, p.274. 3. M. Walker, 'Clinical Investigation of Australian Melaleuca alternifolia Oil for a Variety of Common Foot Problems', Current Podiatry, April 1972. 4. E. Pena, 'Melaleuca alternifolia Oil: its use for Trichomonal Vaginitis and Other Vaginal Infections', Obstetrics and Gynecology, vol. 19 (6) 1962. pp. 793-5. 5. P. Belaiche, 'Treatment of Skin infections, with the Essential Oil of Melaleuca alternifolia', Phytotherapie, vol. 15, 1985, pp. 15-17. 6. P. Belaiche, 'Treatment of Vaginal Infections of Candida albicans with the Essential Oil of Melaleuca alternifolia, ibid, pp. 13-15. 7. P. Belaiche, 'Germicidal Properties of the Essential Oil of Melaleuca alternifolia Related to Urinary Infections and Chronic Ideopathic Colibaccillus', ibid, pp. 9-11. 8. G. Swords and G. L. K. Hunter, 'Composition of Australian Tea-Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)', Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, vol. 26, 1978, pp. 734-9. 9. C. Dean, Private correspondence with the author, August 1987. 10. C. Dean, A series of private laboratory tests including Preservative Effectiveness Test (1975) and TGA Test for Hospital Grade Dirty Conditions (1987). End Article This article was found online several years ago, as stated at the top, Robert Tisserand, a well known aromatherapist and published author, is stated as the author and compiler of the stats listed in the article. My personal comment based on personal experience helping others with this amazing essential oil is that although you may find tea tree essential oil in common stores sold for cheap prices, please remember that the old adage "you get what you pay for" is true. When using tea tree or any other essential oil for therapeutic purposes, be sure to use a high quality therapeutic grade essential oil. When using tea tree oil as described in this article,choose an organically grown variety with a high potency rating where the terpinen-4-ol content is 35% or higher, with origin from Australian not China.' If your product doesn't say, ask the seller or company. If they don't know or don't disclose, keep looking. The essential oils offered on this site by Pamper Me Naturally meet all those qualities. Not all brands do, so check what you buy.. Then enjoy the absolutely amazing benefits of therapeutic tea tree essential oil. Suzanne Ader Email at: [email protected] Natural Non-Toxic Bee Killer Spray Forget the toxic ant & bee killer spays that make you hold your breath. Kill the bees naturally without harming your lungs or bothering your pets. 1/2 cup dishwashing detergent (any brand you have on hand will do) 1/2 cup water 1/2 ounce peppermint essential oil (pure and not diluted no substitute this is the active ingredient) Trigger spray bottle with a strong long spray ability Pour all ingredients into spray bottle. Shake before using. Spray bee nests, flying wasps, and whatever other stinging biting pests annoying you. What’s Happening and Why It Works Flying Insects typically breathe through their "skin" or abdomen body parts. The soap in the spray coats their bodies making every breath they take a breath of moist soapy peppermint air., The menthol in the peppermint oil suffocates them. They literally can't breathe menthol. It's too strong for them The water allows it to work in a sturdy spray bottle. One spray with enough to coat them should stop them from flying and kill them in a couple minutes. If it doesn't kill them fast enough for your liking, add more peppermint essential oil. I have seen this used on flying in the air wasps and bees. I have seen nests sprayed with it and be all dead within minutes. Give it a try! It makes the air freshly minted not toxic smelling. Safe for using in and around pets, in your barn, your dog's house, etc. (it is said that some cats have difficulty with peppermint) Please do remember that the honey bees are a necessary part of pollination, so please refrain from harassing them whenever possible. This recipe courtesy of . You can get peppermint essential oil, super high menthol peppermint essential oil, pure menthol crystals, and many other essential oils and natural skin care products and education from Natural Laundry Powder Clean your wash naturally with the cleaning power of castile soap and stain & odor fighting natural minerals and essential oils. No chemical detergents * No phosphates * Safe for High Efficiency Washers. Naturally Gentle * Bio-degradable Safe for a baby’s delicate skin! Concentrated Powder: 1 oz per load. Only pennies per load and natural! Try these other uses: Use as scouring powder, tub cleaner, or as a stain soak. Do you know what’s in your laundry soap? Most brands give little or no disclosure. “ionic and non-ionic surfactants” is NOT disclosure. Not even close! It’s a cover-up for undisclosed chemicals! That's right, because laundry detergents are not consumed or left on your skin, there is no legal need to disclose ingredients to you. They can even (and usually do) make a vague offer at ingredient to make you feel like they are telling you what's in it. The list typically says something like " "Contains water, biodegradable surfactants (anionic and nonionic) and fragrance and color." sometimes it will say plant derived (that's still not ingredient disclosure) or enzymes. But they don't have to truly list by name all of ingredients including the common chemicals that are also in it. What ingredients or chemicals? Well, let's think for a minute. Remember the commercials telling you that you can know that your laundry is clean when it comes out of your drawer several days later and still smells like the fragrance of the detergent? I won't mention any specific brand name here, but I bet you can think of commercial jingles that you have heard tell you how you confident you can be in your clean clothes if they smell.....(brand) fresh or (name of scent variety of brand) fresh. What's that mean? Clean is the absence of of odor. If it still smells "(brand name) fresh" then something was left behind. Binders, fragrances, brighteners, and other chemicals are common lingering agents that make perceived as fresh, soft, brightly white and more. If it still smells, then it smells like something that is still there. Hummmm is that what you want? It is also getting more commonly understood that skin allergies can be caused by the laundry detergent you wash with. Because again, it is intentionally lingering in the fabric to make you familiar with their scent and feel and brand loyal. It's all marketing, and totally legal and totally helps them sell their product to people. Yup, people are creatures of habit and we get used to how something feels or smells as our perceived version of clean and then we seek out that brand that pleases us. But if you have skin irritations, respiratory allergies, or if you just want to have truly clean clothes without lingering chemicals, or if you just want to be less marketed to. Try a natural alternative to laundry detergents. Our Natural Laundry Powder is a concentrated laundry powder that contains natural ingredients know to clean your clothes and natural therapeutic essential oils known to kill bacteria and odors in fabric. Our Laundry Powder Contains: Sodium bicarbonate,(natural mineral) sodium tetraborate,(natural mineral) sodium percarbonate,(powdered oxygen based stain remover) castile soap (olive, coconut, palm oils, rainwater,alkali, mineral & herbal color) essential oils. Available in 3 essence choices: Lavender Orange *, Immune Boost *, Unscented Available in 2 sizes or ask for a sample with your next order |
AuthorSuzanne Ader Archives
October 2018