Bulk Oils Descriptions
Olive - Pure Golden
This is the light flavored Pure 100% olive oil everyone LOVES from the
Mediterranean. It’s Pure 100% olive oil, light in color and flavor. This is
NOT a blend of oils labeled “olive oil” like you can commonly find sold stores where if you read the label carefully the small print states “olive oil blend”.
Olive - Extra Virgin Organic
Olive oil is often considered the premium health oil. This comes to us in steel drums sealed as certified organic, cold pressed, extra virgin olive oil from the Mediterranean. It is darker in color than the golden and has more flavor. This is the kind typically recommended as best for good fats and nutrients. This particular variety is the kind this bulk group has raved about as "the best stuff they've had" for many years. Stock up so you don't run out. Too often members tell us they are eager for the next order because they ran out and got stuck with something they like less.
Coconut - Extra Virgin Organic
This is the lightly sweet nutty flavored super fresh kind direct from the Philippines. Many studies have been done showing the amazing health benefits of cooking with and consuming coconut and palm oils. It is also considered an excellent high nutrient skin oil. Extra Virgin is always the premium best and most nutritious grade of any oil. The list of health benefits of coconut oil are long, including brain and cardio improvements even for dementia, and skin and hair and digestive health. Most have been achieved from using any food grades of coconut oil. So, while the cold pressed extra virgin will always give you the biggest boost per bite, if you don’t appreciate the sweet flavor of the extra virgin, try the flavorless filtered kind, or the always liquid MCT variety (the kind that's spurred on the KETO craze), or even the also solid but not coconut fruit, the palm oil. Whichever you choose, please do try to add some naturally solid oils to your diet for your health. Coconut oil has a melt point of 76F so it's a scoop-able solid a cool room temps and a pour-able liquid on a warm counter top or window ledge
Coconut - Organic, physically filtered (flavorless)
Filtered to remove flavor. Extra virgin is always the superior oil choice,
but if you don’t like it’s sweet flavor, here’s a flavorless organic coconut oil great for frying and baking. Naturally solid oils like coconut & palm are THE BEST choice for high heat frying and
baking because their nutrients and structure do not degrade in high heat conditions like
oils that are naturally liquid at room temp. Room temp solidity also gives coconut and
palm oils an extended shelf life that liquid oils need refrigeration to achieve. Read more
about the beneficial nutrient traditional fats and oils like coconut and palm at:
http://www.westonaprice.org/know-your-fats This link has many well researched oil articles.
Coconut Oil MCT Liquid (Fractionated)
Coconut oil, considered by many to be highly beneficial, health improving, energy boosting and weight balancing, this version makes it convenient too. MCT is coconut oil filtered & separated to be liquid not a solid. The fatty acids that create solidity have been filtered out so you get only the Medium Chain Triglyceride (MCT) fraction of the whole oil. This has been a common massage oil for a long time. It has recently gained huge popularity as an additive to other drinks or foods for weight balance, energy boosts and clarity of mental functions. It's the backbone of the current KETO craze, and the expensive single serving drink packets sold currently by several MLM companies. Save yourself a ton and buy it in this much cheaper bulk liquid form and add it to your specialty drinks and coffee and smoothies and enjoy!
Palm - Organic, physically filtered
Virgin oils are always the superior choice, but if you don’t like the beta carotene orange color
of virgin palm, here’s an organic option that has been filtered to make it flavorless & colorless.
Palm has health benefits like coconut and is preferred over coconut by some for frying. If you want a margarine or butter substitute, palm oil is the common alternative you will find even name brands offering, often for a much higher price per ounce and in a butter-like container. Put this in the refrigerator in a quart jar or in your butter container and enjoy. If you want a butter-like color, add just a touch of the red palm back into this, stir and fool the kids!
While the cold pressed extra virgin variety will always give you the biggest nutritional boost per bite, if you don’t appreciate the slight flavor or the yellow orange color of the extra virgin palm, try the flavorless filtered kind, or even the also solid but not palm fruit, the coconut oil. Whichever you choose, please do try to add some naturally solid oils to your diet for your health. Palm oil has a melt point of 95F so it's a solid at cool room temps and a thick but pour-able liquid on a warm counter top or window ledge
Sunflower-Organic Hi-Oleic expeller pressed
This light flavored multi-purpose baking or cooking or salad oil has been well liked for it's easy light flavor. It is well suited for uses where you need a light oil, but better nutrient value is achieved if you vary or mix it with other oils more nutrient dense with more EFAs. Read more at: www.livestrong.com/article/82773-health-benefits-sunflower-oil/ This oil is currently out of stock but may be back in by the time our order ships. If you order and it doesn't come you will be refunded, but you might want to add a lil more of something else to your order just in case.
Sweet Almond–expeller pressed, food grade
Best known as a light feeling oil that soaks in quickly, it's highly favored for skin and massage. Sweet almond oil can also edible and comparable to olive oil in beneficial aspects. This is the food grade, & expeller pressed variety. Don't be confused with the lower cosmetic grade more commonly sold for topical skin care only in grocery and pharmacy and health food stores. Read more at: www.livefitblog.com/2011/07/04/sweet-almond-oil-benefits/
Grapeseed Oil -
European origin. This light and tasty oil is high in
antioxidants. Used for cooking and salads.
Some like it for frying due to it’s high tolerance for heat. Also commonly recommended as a
facial oil and makeup remover. Read more at these 4 links: www.livestrong.com/article/297347-whatare-
the-benefits-of-cooking-with-grape-seed-oil/ and www.livestrong.com/article/411804-grapeseed-oilbenefits-
vs-olive-oil/ and www.grapeseedoilcorp.com/benefits.html &
Avocado Oil - Expeller pressed
Most people know avocado fruit is very nutritious,
but fewer have considered cooking with avocado
oil. It is rich in nutrients, smooth and mild. A good
liquid oil for cooking, baking and salads. Also a great skin oil for moisturizing itchy, dry, wrinkled, scarred or aged skin. A favorite for massage too.
This oil is food grade, not the lower cosmetic grade more commonly sold for skin care only. Don’t miss more info at:
Flax Seed Oil
GMO-Free, Organic, cold processed.
Flax seed is known for it's health benefits and it's high Omega 3 content. Considered "brain food" this oil is a great supplement in daily small amounts. Commonly added to smoothies or salad dressings.
Comes nitrogen flush packed upon arrival to keep it fresh. This oil can be stored in the freezer to add shelf life. It stays liquid even at freezing temps. A well liked EFA supplement oil with a GREAT PRICE!!
Apricot Kernel Oil-Expeller pressed
Apricot kernels are rich in Iron, vitamin A, and vitamin K and some say they have cancer fighting properties. Apricot kernel oil is pressed from those pits and is considered a healthy food grade cooking oil.
The oil also makes a wonderfully rich light weight skin oil. Soothes and revitalizes skin. Add a few drops of
essential oil and use as a body or massage oil.
Hemp Oil – Unrefined, Cold Pressed.
Dark colored oil with high Essential Fatty Acid qualities. Very nutritious.
You should try this amazing additive to salads or skin care. You've no doubt heard the current Hemp craze. It's true, hemp is a highly nutritious plant to eat and for skin care. No fear, the THC that causes a "high" is not present in the cold pressed oils or in our cannabis essential oil, but the healing properties are!
Oh My! Which Oil Should I Pick??
Variety! There's always benefits to variety. We have offered size options so you can have more choices for your budget. You can make the best salad dressing or butter spread by my mixing 2 or more oils together like Avocado, Apricot, Grapeseed, Coconut, or Almond. Toss in a bit of Hemp or Flax or Olive or Macademia or Borage or Palm and you've got a multi-oil, higher nutrient, synergistic blend that could be used as a dressing or a butter alternative depending on your solids to liquids ratio.
Make it more solid in the refrigerator.
Color it for a butter look alike with a bit
of Red Palm. Enjoy! Fool the kids!
Jojoba Oil – Golden
Jojoba oil (pronounced “ho ho ba”) is an ultimate skin conditioner. Said to be the closest to your skin’s natural oil, this liquid “plant wax” has a natural golden color and an incredible ability to nourish even the driest skin. Because it’s molecular structure is closer to a wax than most oils, it’s shelf life is extended to that of a solid oil instead of a liquid oil. Good for sunburn too.
Jojoba Oil – Clear Filtered
Same great oil as the golden only filtered to be clear for mixing with essential oils or other skin care products where you might not want a color.
Castor Oil
This thick, almost sticky oil is best known for it’s deep moisturizing ability. A night-time application to hands or feet then covered with socks can bring relief to even the driest, deep cracked, or super stressed skin. It's also an old home remedy for abdominal distress by applying thickly to skin, covering with cotton then plastic and a hot pack. And a known hair emollient. It's a wonderful lather boosting additive to bar soap making. Castor oil is not considered a cooking oil. It's only edible in small amounts if you want a colon cleaning laxative. Read many more uses at: www.homeremediesweb.com/castor-oil-healthbenefits.php
And It is a mole deterrent when applied diluted to grass with hose sprayer. Read more at:
Neem Oil - Virgin, Cold Pressed
An internet search will tell you this is a GREAT PRICE and it will produce a long list of useful benefits for this oil. Suggestions typically include a wide range from organic gardening pest control to amazing skin healing benefits, blood pressure reducing, rash healing, anti-parasitic, and folklore as a contraceptive. It has a distinct characteristic neem scent and a greenish-brown virgin oil color. Some describe the aroma anywhere from coffee-like to sulfur-like. For More details on Oil Benefits we recommend www.WestonAPrice.org
Glycerin, Vegetable
Great for making herbal tinctures or cough remedies or gummy cough drops or skin scrubs.
Add to your lotion or hair conditioner for added moisture retention. Food grade Amazing price. Long shelf life. A heavy thick liquid @10 lbs per gal. (non-soy)
Vitamin E Oil
Mixed Natural alpha, beta, gamma and delta tocopherols. Typically used as an oil additive to extend shelf life, or for skin and scar healing. Add this to your DIY skin care products, your salad dressings, your butter alternatives, and wherever else you need to. 2oz is approx 43,200 IU or about 3,600 IU per teaspoon.
Pumpkin Seed Oil
Unrefined, dark, cold pressed. Pumpkin seeds & pumpkin seed oils are known to be good for prostate, cholesterol, bladder function, anti-parasite. Sold in capsule form as a supplement for a significantly higher price. It is high in vitamins & minerals and essential fatty acids – omega oils. For salads or by the spoonful.
Cocoa Butter, Organic, golden
From the cocoa bean, it has a light chocolate-like aroma. This is an awesome multi-purpose edible butter. Commonly used food or deserts as a hardening oil. Cocoa butter is what gives chocolate that "mouth feel appeal" Great in lip balm and for making your own body butter. Just melt and mix with less solid oils of your choice, add some shea butter and vitamin e oil for an awesome skin treatment you’ll love. This is a very solid butter with a high melt point of about 100F. It will come in easy to measure chunks in a zipbag.
Shea Butter – Filter Refined Organic
Ohh the benefits of Shea butter are immense. This well loved African nut butter is extracted from the seeds (nut) of the karite tree and filtered for impurities. Great for all skin types especially mature or dry skin. Apply directly to the skin or mix with other skin nourishing oils. it's butter-like consistency with a melting point of 90F melts on skin contact. It's moisturizing properties, have a high amount of essential fatty acids, and vitamins A & E, to retain moisture and elasticity. It has demonstrated both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Comes in chunk in a zipbag. This kin food has SPF benefits of 6 to 10.
Shea Butter - Raw Virgin Grey
Ohh the benefits of Shea butter immense.
This is the raw, virgin, light grey, lightly scented variety of the well loved African nut butter is extracted from the seeds (nut) of the karite tree and filtered for impurities. Great for all skin types especially mature or dry skin. Apply directly to the skin or mix with other skin nourishing oils. it's butter-like consistency with a melting point of 90F melts on skin contact. It's moisturizing properties, have a high amount of essential fatty acids, and vitamins A & E, to
retain moisture and elasticity. It has demonstrated both antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.
Comes in chunk in a zipbag. Amazing rich skin
food with SPF benefits of 6 to 10.
Babassu Oil
This nourishing oil high in fatty acids has been considered the hair wonder oil. It's users claim a list of benefits including split end sealing and repair, hair conditioning, skin protection, healing and softening, anti-inflammation, and more. It is used in body butters, lip balm, hair products, and as a straight skin application. It has a similar texture and melting point as coconut oil and is from a similar palm-like tree. Comes in a jug like coconut oill.
Kokum Butter
From the edible seeds of the kokum tree (Garcinia indica). also known as the Wild Mangosten Tree, or Red Mangosten Tree. Some of the traditionally known benefits: Helps prevents drying of the skin
Helps heal ulcers, fissures of the lips, hands & soles of feet Helps regenerate & reduces degeneration of skin cells
Contains 80% stearic-oleic-stearic triglycerides Non-pore clogging. Contains antioxidant properties
Softens the skin and restores skin flexibility. It is used in body butters, lip balm, hair products, and as a straight skin application. This is a solid butter with a melt point of about 95F. Not quite as hard as cocoa butter , closer to shea butter, not as soft as babassu or coconut.
It will come in chunks in a zipbag.
Black Cumin Oil organic
A nourishing supplement and skin oil. Known for healing .Compare and you'll find this is an Amazing Price for an oil you'll want to have some on hand.
Vegetable Wax
Vegan plant wax (non-soy) for emulsifying, white color, comes in easy measure bits in a zipbag.
Bees Wax - Golden
Natural bees wax, comes in easy measure bits in a zip-bag
Bees Wax – Filtered White
Natural bees wax filtered to be white, comes in bits
Bees Wax - Golden Solid Chunk from Local Bees
New this time, while most positively love the easy measure feature of the bees wax bits above and the choice of colors, some of you want to get wax from the most local source possible to get the most natural anti-histamine benefits. So here's another great opportunity, this is pure wax from naturally raised bees that are local bees flying within 50 miles of the pickup location. This Natural golden bees wax comes in a 16oz slab approx 4"x 6" x 1" thick in a zip-bag
Macademia Nut Oil
This edible nourishing oil is said to be regenerating and healing for scars, sunburn, and irritated skin. It's high in antioxidants and full of beautifying important essential fatty acids. Use it in cooking and skin care. Learn more at:
Borage Seed Oil
Have you heard about using Borage Seed oil? It's long list of amazingness is an awesome read. This beautiful flower makes an oil that is high in GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) an important nutrient that helps in maintaining cellular structure and in hormone compounds needed for good health. This oil is sold in capsules as a health supplement for aid in things like Alzheimer's, brain function, anxiety, depression, OCD, arthritis, hormone balance and more. Similar usages have been found with evening primrose oil which is another flower with similar properties. These oils are awesome for use as a straight facial serum oil or bonus synergy when mixed together or with other beneficial nutrients. Try them both and be amazed.
Evening Primrose Oil – Cold Pressed
High in GLA, making it a great supplement or skin serum.
Have you heard about using Evening Primrose Seed oil?
It's long list of amazingness is an awesome read. This beautiful flower makes an oil that is high in GLA (Gamma Linolenic Acid) an important nutrient that helps in
maintaining cellular structure and in hormone compounds needed for
good health. This oil is sold in capsules as a health supplement for aid in things like Alzheimer's, brain function, anxiety, depression, OCD, arthritis, hormone balance and more. Similar usages have been found with boage seed oil which is another flower with similar properties. These oils are awesome for use as a straight facial serum oil or bonus synergy when mixed together or with other beneficial nutrients. Try them both and be amazed.
Argan oil is a plant oil produced from the kernels of the argan tree (Argania spinosa L.) common to Morocco. In Morocco, argan oil is used to dip bread in at breakfast or to drizzle on couscous or pasta. It is also used for cosmetic purposes for hair and skin. It contains healing and anti-inflammatory.
Wow! That's the list of bulk oils! But don't stop there!
We've got a wealth of more amazing products for awesome prices just for our bulk order participants!
Be sure to check out the ret of our site!
Lugol's Iodine
If you haven't tried this, you should.
Please at least take a couple minutes to read the article posted on the blog. The amount of good this lil bottle of liquid has done for so many people in the time we've been bulk ordering it is truly amazing! This stuff used to be standard equipment in every first aid kit, now it's hard to find and has been replaced with pharmaceutical drugs that cost more, are less effective and have side effects. Please read the article and try a bottle. It's $ well spent.
Thanks for supporting our family business by ordering Pamper Me Naturally products and by participating with this bulk order which also supplies us with better prices for our product ingredients via volume. We love having the opportunity to get high quality organic super fresh oils by buying in barrel sizes. We appreciate your participation and your love for getting the freshest oils!